
Діаспора - потужна партнерка у відновленні України/Diaspora - a powerful partner in Ukraine's recovery

(Українська) Українська діаспора відіграє важливу роль у процесі відновлення. Її участь поширюється не лише на підтримку внутрішніх зусиль з відбудови в Україні, а й на зміцнення міжнародних відносин як у спілкуванні з політиками країни перебування, так і в суспільстві. Представники українського громадянського суспільства об'єднуються в мережі по всьому світу, створюють нові організації і професіоналізують свою роботу. Ми активно сприяємо цьому розвитку за допомогою мережевих заходів, включаючи пропозиції щодо професіоналізації.  Цілі:- Транскордонне мережування діаспорських організацій, залучених до відновлення України; - Картування діаспорських організацій, залучених до відновлення України; - Спільне напрацювання дій, щодо посилення ролі діаспори у відновленні України;- Сприяння обміну найкращими практиками та досвідом між учасницями та учасниками з метою визначення та впровадження ефективних і сталих заходів з відновлення;- Підтримка міжнародних відносин, також з акцентом на відновлення України (партнерства міст і регіонів, економічна співпраця, співпраця ОГС;- Розробка рекомендацій щодо того, як можна реалізувати потенціал діаспори для відновлення України.  Дізнайтеся більше про захід тут (українською) (English) The Ukrainian diaspora plays an important role in the recovery process. Its involvement extends not only to supporting domestic reconstruction efforts in Ukraine, but also to strengthening international relations, both in communication with host country politicians and in society. Representatives of Ukrainian civil society are networking around the world, creating new organizations and professionalizing their work. We actively contribute to this development through networking events, including proposals for professionalization.  Objectives:  - Cross-border networking of diaspora organizations involved in the recovery of Ukraine;   - Mapping of diaspora organizations involved in Ukraine's recovery;   - Joint development of actions to strengthen the role of the diaspora in the recovery of Ukraine;  - Facilitating the exchange of best practices and experiences among participants in order to identify and implement effective and sustainable recovery measures;  - Supporting international relations, also with a focus on Ukraine's recovery (city-region partnerships, economic cooperation, CSO cooperation;  - Developing recommendations on how to realize the potential of the diaspora for Ukraine's recovery.  Learn more about the event here (in Ukrainian)
Berlin, Germany

Global Diaspora Virtual Exchange on Powerful Transnational Partnerships: Public Sector Synergies

Since 2020, the Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges stand as a unique and crucial platform, facilitating the global convergence of diasporas to exchange best practices and collaboratively enhance their engagement, empowerment, and enablement. This initiative serves as a catalyst, empowering diaspora leaders and organizations to actively contribute to development endeavors.  In the past three editions, the Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges have underscored the increasingly crucial role of diaspora leaders and organizations as pivotal contributors to development and humanitarian efforts. In 2020, diasporas demonstrated their swift and effective response to the pandemic. Shifting focus in 2021, their efforts centered on providing concrete advice to address three key challenges: building trust, mobilizing resources, and ensuring sustainability. The dialogue in 2023 revolved around discussing strategies to enhance communication skills in project management.  These dialogues, engaging diaspora leaders, policymakers, academics, and youth, have been instrumental in establishing an ecosystem aimed at maximizing diaspora engagement. Partnerships forged during these exchanges have facilitated the sharing of best practices, the provision of specific guidance, the expansion of impact through connections, and the amplification of voices for diaspora initiatives, including the founding of the Global Diaspora Confederation (GDC). Nonetheless, the importance of further strengthening and deepening partnerships between diasporas and other key actors continues to recur as key element in the evolution of diaspora engagement globally.  The establishment of a multi-stakeholder platform aligns closely with the foundational principles outlined in the Dublin Declaration, the outcome document of the Global Diaspora Summit, as well as the insights gathered from the discussions during the Global Diaspora Week 2023, organized by the GDC, and focused on diaspora partnerships. Building on these conversations and conclusions, the Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges will delve deeper into partnerships between diaspora leaders and various key stakeholder groups. These groups include the public sector, both at national and local levels, the private sector, and collaborations among diaspora organizations. Each session is designed to explore effective and ineffective aspects of collaboration within each type, aiming to unlock the full potential of diaspora contributions to development and humanitarian efforts. The objective is to align seamlessly with the vision outlined in the Dublin Declaration, striving for impactful and sustainable outcomes. This alignment is achieved through the strategic harnessing of collective diaspora strength and expertise.  Global Diaspora Virtual Exchange consists of a series of three sessions in April, May and June. Learn more about future exchanges and register here.

Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2024

The Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2024, an annual humanitarian conference, one of the largest events of its kind, will be held in a hybrid format from 29 April to 10 May 2024. This event provides a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military, private sector initiatives, and Member States.    As in previous years, more than 60 humanitarian networks and partnerships will be invited to hold their meetings at the event and organize joint sessions in the nine Areas of Common Concern (AOCC) for inter-network collaboration. These are: 1) Accountability to Affected Population, 2) Anticipatory Action, 3) Climate Crisis, 4) Emergency Response in a Pandemic, 5) Inclusion, 6) Integrating Security Risk Management in Humanitarian Action, 7) Localization, 8) Nexus, and 9) Organizational Culture and Power Relations.   Date The first week (29 April to 3 May) will be held remotely, the second week (6 to 10 May) will be organized face-to-face at the CICG in Geneva.  Registration Information Networks and partnerships will invite their members and stakeholder directly to the sessions they organize. As in previous years, most session will be open for public access where also those without invitation can register as participant. Sessions of interest can be found by keyword or organizing network/partnership in the online event program. There is no attendance fee for participants, but participants have to cover their costs for travel and accommodation, and make their hotel arrangements. Nominal invitations for visa support will be provided for speakers and panel members by the inviting network or partnership upon request. The HNPW secretariat does not provide travel support or nominal invitations to participants. For information, the session outcomes of the last HNPW (7 to 28 April 2023) are available in the online event program. A brief video of the HNPW 2023 is available here. Please visit the HNPW event portal for more information.   More about the HNPW? The HNPW is an annual event where humanitarian networks and partnerships organize meetings to inform about, and further advance related activities, and to collaborate with other networks and partnerships in Areas of Common Concern. Photo Credit: Unsplash
Geneva, Switzerland
Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week

IOM at HNPW 2024: Coordinating with diaspora humanitarian actors: A crisis response simulation workshop

The Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2024 is an annual humanitarian conference, one of the largest events of its kind and will be held in a hybrid format from 29 April to 10 May 2024. This event provides a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military, private sector initiatives, and Member States.  There is no attendance fee. Learn more here.  IOM crisis simulation workshop: Coordinating with diaspora humanitarian actors While diaspora actors have long contributed in various forms to humanitarian response efforts in their respective Countries of Origin (CoOs), most of this involvement has historically been ad hoc. These contributions include contextual knowledge, local connections, quick mobilization, financial support, and volunteers. The International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Framework for Diaspora Engagement in Humanitarian Assistance and its accompanying Crisis Response Guidance are examples of coordination mechanisms that international humanitarian actors and diaspora organizations have developed and implemented to better integrate and engage non-traditional actors in humanitarian responses. IOM's Framework was developed through a multi-stakeholder consultation process, and it has been used in Haiti, the Philippines and Somalia. This interactive simulation workshop is designed to test these mechanisms focusing on the interoperability of institutional humanitarian actors with diaspora organizations coordinating assistance during a simulated crisis. The exercise will also explore the level of cooperation that humanitarian actors, both traditional and non-traditional, might expect from one another. It is anticipated that participants will leave the session with useful tools for organizing their humanitarian efforts, a better knowledge of the processes involved in multi-stakeholder coordination, and a wider range of contacts and resources to help communities affected by disasters experience more long-term, lasting effects. Furthermore, the input and feedback received from the attendees' participation will help to improve the mechanisms so that they can be used in other situations. The overall scope of this session will be to apply the mechanisms for strengthening the engagement of diaspora in humanitarian operations by: - Presenting tools, response mechanisms and guidelines to enhance coordination between institutional humanitarian actors and diasporas, explaining who can benefit, when and where it is applicable, and how this can lead to more collaborative and effective humanitarian assistance - Conducting an interactive exercise where the participants apply IOM’s crisis response guideline to a simulated crisis scenario to facilitate coordination with diaspora and other non-traditional actors - Discussing lessons learned from the activity   Photo credit: Unsplash/Ammar Nassir
Geneva, Switzerland

DEMAC at HNPW 2024: Diaspora response to climate-related disasters

The Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2024 is an annual humanitarian conference, one of the largest events of its kind and will be held in a hybrid format from 29 April to 10 May 2024. This event provides a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military, private sector initiatives, and Member States.   There is no attendance fee. Learn more here. Meet DEMAC at the HNPW 2024 in-person DEMAC has its own exhibition stand at the HNPW. Join us to hear more about our global initiative, our engagement with diaspora and local actors and get our latest research and factsheets on the Somali, Afghan and Ukrainian diaspora.  DEMAC's session: The role of diaspora in responding to climate-related disasters and supporting the resilience of local communities to environmental degradation In 2023 DEMAC in partnership with IOM conducted a case study to explore how diaspora respond to climate-induced disasters and support community resilience and adaptation to environmental degradation in South Sudan, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Peru and Tuvalu. The main patterns and trends are the following: 1.     Case study diaspora actors were important in supporting longer term adaptation. Some are supporting climate-smart agricultural practices, income diversification, housing adaptation, internal relocation. 2.    DOs contribute to climate change mitigation efforts through awareness raising, advocacy, and direct involvement in carbon removal projects, encompassing tree planting and more. 3.    DO responses were strongest in the context of disaster response and recovery. Disasters triggered a substantial response from DOs, with charity, religion, and patriotism among motivators. 4.   DOs can share information & complement technology used for predicting disasters, anticipatory action and early warning efforts usually led by governments and institutional actors. Objectives of this session:  1. Present findings and lessons learned from the DEMAC and IOM Case Study “Diaspora Response to Climate change-related hazards in South Sudan, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Peru and Tuvalu” – DEMAC/IOM - February 2024 2. Discuss feasible steps that enable an improved engagement between diaspora organisations, local organisations and institutional humanitarian actors in preparing and responding to climate change-related hazards (CCRHs): - What are the challenges for diaspora and humanitarian actors to collaborate and jointly address h CCRHs? - What best practices and lessons learned from diaspora initiatives could institutional humanitarian actors draw on to support community-based disaster preparedness and risk reduction initiatives? - What actionable recommendations can be easily implemented to strengthen engagement and cooperation between diaspora organizations, local and institutional humanitarian actors in addressing CCRHs? Agenda: 11:00 – 11:10: Welcome and Introduction  11:10 – 11:25: Presentation of key findings and recommendations of the Case Study 11:25 – 12:05: Facilitated discussion with the panelists 12:05 – 12:25: Q&A and discussion   Photo Credit: Uganda (c) Unplash/Bill Wegener
Geneva, Switzerland
DEMAC - Diaspora Emergency Action & Coordination

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming at enhancing mutual knowledge and coordination, communication and coherence between diaspora humanitarian actors and the institutional humanitarian system.

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